Tuesday 10 April 2012

Aspirin as a General Prophylactic in Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease

Aspirin as a General Prophylactic in Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease
Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug from the salicylate family. Salicylates have been used by mankind for a long time. In the form of willow bark, salicylates were used as analgesics during since the time of Hippocrates (460-370BC) and their antipyretic effects have been recognised for more than 200 years.
In its modern form, acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin has a molecular formula C9H8O4 and its structural formula follows:
                                                                     Aspirin                      (http://www.significancemagazine.org/details/webexclusive/986723/Aspirin--a-wonder-drug.html Accessed 07/12/2011 )

According to Bayer (www.wonderdrug.com/pain/asp_history.htm) “in 1897, a German chemist with Friedrich Bayer and company was searching for a treatment for his father’s arthritis pain and produced the first stable form of a product introduced as Aspirin”. However other sources (Rang and Dale 2007) reveal aspirin had been discovered much prior its commercialisation as a medicinal product by Bayer, who have made astronomical profits from it.
Aspirin is mainly available as dispersible and enteric coated tablets however suppositories, transdermal ointments and soluble powders are available. There are also many products which include a combination of aspirin and other drugs.
Aspirin’s mechanism of action is via the cyclooxygenase (COX) system where it inhibits the COX activity by irreversible acetylation of the system.
The table below shows the COX system by which cyclic prostanoids are biosynthesised via enzymatically catalysed oxidation of arachidonic acid.

 The production of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid and their physiological effects. PG indicates, prostaglandin;

COX exists in two isoforms, COX-1 and COX-2, COX-1 being present in the endoplasmic reticulum of most cells and is responsible for the synthesis of homeostatic prostaglandins which regulate cell functions such as gastro mucosal protection, maintenance of renal blood flow and regulation of platelet activation and aggregation. Cox-2 is not present in plasma normally but is induced by inflammatory stimuli and growth factors to produce prostaglandins that result in inflammatory response.
Aspirin’s anti-thrombotic effect is due to the inhibition of PGH-synthase in both COX-1 and COX-2 with both affected isoforms failing to convert arachidonic acid to PGH2 hence a decrease in the production of prostaglandins and Thromboxane A2 (TXA2). TXA2 is required for platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction thus platelet failure to produce it in the presence of aspirin results in aspirin’s therapeutic effect as an anti-thrombotic. Prostacyclin production by vascular epithelia inhibits platelet aggregation and induces vasodilation hence aspirin inhibition counters vascular epithelial antithrombosis. However, epithelia is capable of regeneration whereas platelet lifespan is approximately 10 days ,with this regeneration, the aspirin effect on epithelial COX is removed leaving only the platelets affected throughout their lifespan. The result is an overall antithrombotic effect in the vascular system.
The importance of platelets and their aggregation is well established with respect to their role in cardiovascular disease and the antithrombotic effect of aspirin has been linked to the prophylaxis and treatment of various cardiovascular diseases.
A research in the role of aspirin in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has shown astonishing results. According to Awtry & Loscalzo (2000), the Second International Study of Infarct Survival (ISIS-2), 17187 patients presenting within 24 hours of the onset of a suspected AMI received intravenous streptokinase (1.5MU) or 162.5mg of aspirin daily for 30 day, both or neither. At the end of the trial, patients receiving aspirin therapy alone had 23% reduction in vascular mortality and nearly 50% reduction in the risk of non-fatal reinfarction and stroke.
According to a meta-analysis (Berger, Brown and Berker 2008) “Aspirin therapy was associated with a 21% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events (non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke and cardiovascular death) 26% reduction in the risk of non-fatal MI, 25% reduction in the risk of stroke and 13% reduction in the risk of all-cause mortality. Among those with ischaemic heart disease, aspirin was most effective at reducing the risk of non-fatal MI and all-cause mortality, among those with cerebrovascular disease, aspirin was most effective at reducing the risk of stroke.”
A meta-analysis by Anti-Platelet Trialist in 1994 shows that among 20 000 patients with a prior history of MI, aspirin therapy decreased the risk of vascular events over 2 year treatment from 17.1% to 13.5%.
These results show a significant level in secondary thrombotic event prophylaxis resulting from simple daily intake of aspirin. This is very important as people who have suffered an AMI or ischaemia are at a high risk or the event reoccurring. Aspirin’s antithrombotic effects have also proven useful in patients who have just undergone vascular surgical procedures such as angioplasty or intra coronary stenting. The drug prevents intraluminal thrombogenesis which may block the vessel causing further complications. This and secondary prophylaxis effect of aspirin has a cumulative effect to surgical patients, which will result in a decrease in mortality from post-operative complications.
Daily intake of low dose aspirin (75mg) has been shown to provide primary prophylaxis of cardiovascular events with The Medical Research Council’s General Practice Research Framework (1998) showing that high risk individuals had a 20% risk reduction in ischaemic and cardiovascular events.
Research has also linked aspirin in lowering cancer mortality.
Tumour metastasis is a hallmark in malignancy which is the leading cause of cancer mortality. Metastasis occurs as follows i. Tumour cells escape original site attaching to the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) ii. Degrade the ECM iii. Migrate via the ECMs.
Jiang et al (2001) establish that cancer cells show an increased COX-2 expression. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) are enzymes involved in ECM degradation. E-cadherin is an important molecule mediating cell-cell adhesion. Jiang et al (2001) show that aspirin treatment modulates MMP and increase E-cadherin production in cancerous cells via COX-2 this supports Reich et al (1996) who reported that COX inhibition converts human fibrasoma cells to a non-invasive state. With other chemotherapy aspirin can therefore be used to help confine cancerous cells, allowing easier drug targeting in chemotherapy.
By taking the recommended dose for particular individual circumstances, aspirin can be lifesaving with astonishing properties ranging from traditional uses as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory to more advanced uses in cardiovascular and oncology health. Much research may still be required and modifications of the present drug to increase specificity will reduce its side effects and make aspirin one of man’s greatest achievements.
1.       Awtry,E.H., Loscalzo,J., 2000 Aspirin Circulation 1206-1218
2.       Berger,J.S., Brown,D.L., Becker,R.C., 2008 Low-Dose Aspirin in Patients with Stable Cardiovascular Disease: A Meta-analysis The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 121 43-49
3.       Jiang,M., Liao,c., Lee,P., 2001 Aspirin Inhibits Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Activity, Increases E-cadherin Production and Inhibits in Vitro Invasion of Tumor Cells Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Vol 282 671-677
4.       The Medical Research Council’s General Practice Research Framework 1998 Thrombosis Prevention Trial: Randomise Trial of Low-Intensity Oral Anticoagulation Ischaemic Heart Disease in Men at Increased Risk Lancet Vol 351 233-241
5.       Rang,H.P., Dale,M.M., (2007) General Principles In: Riteer,J.M., Flower,R.J., Pharmacology 6th edn Churchill Livingstone: Elsevier 3-7
6.       Reich,R., Martin,G.R., (1996) Identification of Arachidonic Acid Pathways Required For the Invasive and Metastatic Activity of Malignant Tumour Cells. Prostaglandins Vol 51 1-17

By Takudzwa .K.Muswizu QD